When my oldest son got his
dresser and night table repainted, my youngest wanted to have his done as well. This was not a fancy night table. I had gotten it for free awhile back and chose it for it's slim frame. We needed a really small table to fit between his bed and the wall--something just to hold a clock and some books on the bottom. This country-style table was just the right size for a
second chance in our house. Although country is not the theme of their room, the size was perfect.
My youngest is very into bright shiny colors so when I asked him his choice of colors to paint the table, I was surprised he chose somewhat tastefully. The brown he picked was to match his brother's dresser top. And the cranberry was because he liked it and it matched a cranberry color in his quilt. Best yet, both paint colors were already in the house. So this was one of those completely free projects. The best kind!
It looks awesome! Great job, and I love the colors.